Ko te kaitiaki o Te Pūkenga ko tōna Kaunihera, ā, ko te kaitiaki o ngā whakahaere āpiti 24 ko ō reira Poari Kaiārahi.
Te Pūkenga is governed by a Council which is made up of members appointed by the Minister of Education and representatives of our three advisory committees. It must give effect to our Charter set out in the Education and Training Act.
Te Pūkenga Council
Te Pūkenga Council is accountable to the Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills. Its members are appointed in accordance with the Education and Training Act.
Sue McCormack
Heamana ō-naianei | Acting Chair
Jordan Gush
Co-Chair Interim Learner Advisory Committee
Dr Teorongonui Josie Keelan
Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Awa, Tūhoe, Co-Chair Interim Māori Advisory Committee
Heath Sawyer
Co-Chair Interim Kaimahi Advisory Committee
Tagaloatele Peggy Fairbairn-Dunlop
Sam Huggard
Chair Health Safety and Wellbeing Committee
Jeremy Morley
Chair Finance, Risk and Audit Committee
Bill Moran
Chair Appointment and Remuneration Committee
2025 Council meetings
Our Council meets every month and members of the public are welcome to attend. If you'd like to attend, please email the Council Secretariat team for login details.
2025 Council meetings
Date |
Body |
Location |
Type |
Thursday |
Te Pūkenga Council | E-meeting | Extraordinary public excluded meeting |
Thursday |
Appointment and Remuneration Committee | E-meeting | Extraordinary meeting (public excluded) |
Thursday 13 February |
Te Pūkenga Council | Wellington | Ordinary meeting |
Friday 28 February |
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee | Auckland | Ordinary meeting |
Friday 28 March |
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee | Online | Ordinary meeting |
Monday 31 March |
Appointment and Remuneration Committee | Online | Ordinary meeting (public excluded) |
Thursday 10 April |
Te Pūkenga Council | Online | Ordinary meeting |
Wednesday 30 April |
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee | Online | Ordinary meeting |
Friday 30 May |
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee | Wellington | Ordinary meeting |
Thursday 12 June |
Te Pūkenga Council | Auckland | Ordinary meeting |
Late June (date TBC) |
Appointment and Remuneration Committee | Online | Ordinary meeting (public excluded) |
Monday 30 June |
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee | Online | Ordinary meeting |
Friday 25 July |
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee | Online | Ordinary meeting |
Thursday 7 August |
Te Pūkenga Council | Online | Ordinary meeting |
Friday 29 August |
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee | Wellington | Ordinary meeting |
Friday 26 September |
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee | Online | Ordinary meeting |
Thursday 9 October |
Te Pūkenga Council | Hamilton | Ordinary meeting |
Friday 24 October |
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee | Online | Ordinary meeting |
Friday 28 November |
Finance, Risk and Audit Committee | Auckland | Ordinary meeting |
Friday 28 November |
Appointment and Remuneration Committee | Online | Ordinary meeting (public excluded) |
Thursday 11 December |
Te Pūkenga Council | Online | Ordinary meeting |
View previous meeting details