Te Pae Māhutonga, is the star constellation otherwise known as the Southern Cross. On a clear night, it can be seen in our skies from anywhere across the Pacific.
Ko Te Pae Māhutonga, he kāhui whetū e pīataata mai ana i te pō. He kāhui whetū e mārakerake nei te kitea ahakoa ki hea i Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa.
Te Pae Māhutonga has long been used as a navigational tool, from the time our ancestors traveled across oceans to arrive here in search of new lands, right through to today.
Ko Te Pae Māhutonga, he kāhui whetū whakatere, mai anō i te wā o ngā hekenga ki Aotearoa ā mohoa noa nei.
For ākonga here at Te Pūkenga, it will guide not only your learning journey as you travel new pathways and possibilities - you can also use these stars, Te Pae Māhutonga, to guide you in your wellbeing.
Mā ngā ākonga i konei, i Te Pūkenga, mā Te Pae Māhutonga koutou e ārahi kaua kau noa i ō haerenga i huarahi hou, engari, māna hoki koutou e ārahi ki te pae o te ora.
Look up at the night sky – let it fill you with a sense of awe, wonder and endless potential
Titiro whakarunga - māna koe e whakaaweawe, e whakamīharo ki te pitomata mutunga kore.
Waiora: A purposeful connection with nature ensures my wellbeing
Waiora: Mā tētahi hononga whakaaronui ki te taiao, e ora ai tōku mauri.
Mauriora: My culture and identity can be expressed in all places and spaces
Mauriora: Whai wāhi ai taku ahurea me taku tuakiri ki ngā wāhi katoa.
Toiora: Being in a state of optimal wellness allows me to thrive
Toiora: E taea ai ko te whakahihiri, me tiketike te mauri ora.
Te Oranga: My whānau and I engage in society at all levels
Te Oranga: Whai wāhi ai mātou ko taku whānau ki ngā taumata katoa o te pāpori.
Te Mana Whakahaere: I have autonomy over my journey.
Te Mana Whakahaere: Kei ahau te mana whakahaere ki aku akoako.
Ngā Manukura: I can see, or be, a leader who upholds the interests and welfare of all.
Ngā Manukura: Ka kitea, ka mahia rānei e au ngā mahi a te manukura whakaaro takitini ana.
No matter where you are in Aotearoa or what you are studying, no matter the ups and downs - Te Pae Māhutonga will always be there, as we navigate our wellbeing together on your journey here at Te Pūkenga.
Ahakoa kei hea koe i Aotearoa, te kaupapa ako rānei e whāia ana, ngā piki, ngā heke, ka reira tonu Te Pae Māhutonga hei ārahi i ō tātou mauri ora i a koe e ako nei i Te Pūkenga.
Look to the horizon, to our source of wellbeing, shining bright.
Tērā te pae o te ora e whiti mai nā.