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Appointments made to permanent Te Pūkenga executive team

Hakihea 1, 2022 | 4 min read

Te Pūkenga has confirmed appointments to its executive team today, including Deputy Chief Executives of Academic Centre and Learning Systems, Ako Delivery, and Strategy and Transformation.

Te Pūkenga confirmed the roles that would make up its permanent executive structure on 6 October 2022. At the time, Acting Chief Executive Peter Winder also confirmed Keri-Anne Tane as Chief People Office and Teresa Pollard as Chief Digital Officer. Since then, Michelle Teirney has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer.

Megan Gibbons has been appointed Deputy Chief Executive Academic Centre and Learning Systems, leading the central programme design and development function, and working with industry and subject matter experts from around the Ako Delivery operations.

Acting Chief Executive Peter Winder says that Megan brings a wide range of experience from a number of roles at Otago Polytechnic and is well connected across the health sector and Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics.

“Megan is passionate about the life changing power of education and has played a role in pioneering higher level apprenticeships. Her coaching of athletics reflects her constant pursuit of excellence,” Mr Winder says.

Dr Gibbons says “I’m excited about the opportunities this role brings – to ensure our delivery across the motu meets the needs of industry and employers, sets ākonga (learners) up to thrive and is future focused.” 

Gus Gilmore has been appointed Deputy Chief Executive Ako Delivery, leading all teaching and training, delivery of wrap-around services, platforms and facilities that will enable our learners to succeed.

“Gus brings extensive experience across the whole sector. He is currently Executive Director Manukau Institute of Technology and Unitec, but he’s also brings experience in work based learning, and in funding frameworks from his time at the Tertiary Education Commission. His experience at Air New Zealand will provide a strong foundation to lead our own complex regional management,” Mr Winder says.

Mr Gilmore says “I’m humbled to be appointed to lead our core teaching and learning delivery across the motu. It’s what transforms the lives of New Zealanders and their whānau every day.”

Richard Forgan has been appointed Deputy Chief Executive Strategy and Transformation. Richard is currently providing leadership in the development of our Organisational Design and Change. This role will continue to include oversight of this programme and will set the overarching strategy for Te Pūkenga that will set the success of learners and trainees front and centre for the whole Network.

“Having been involved from the beginning of the Reform of Vocational Education, and with deep understanding of the vocational sector, Richard’s expertise will be vital as we move through a significant period of change. He’s a recognised strategic thinker who will be an asset to our leadership team,” Mr Winder says.

Mr Forgan says “Our people are so important to delivering transformative vocational and applied education – I look forward to supporting them through this journey so they can focus on our learners.”

Dr Gibbons, Mr Gilmore and Mr Forgan will begin in the roles from today.  Recruitment for the DCE Learner and employer Experience and Attraction, Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief Executive Tiriti Outcomes are continuing and further announcements will be made as soon as possible.