Media and Information releases

Official Information Act Responses 

We are committed to being transparent about the disestablishment of Te Pūkenga. We will publish relevant responses to requests where the information is of public interest, and where there is no risk to the privacy of individuals. The names and contact details of requestors are removed before publication to protect their privacy. 

Our published OIA responses are listed below.  


Details of request



Any letters, electronic messaging that resulted of the meeting with Peter Winder, Murray Strong and the Minister.

TP240049 OIA Response

TP240049 Appendix


Agenda and minutes from Te Pūkenga council e-meeting regarding the Specialist Advisors. TP240050 OIA Response


Redundancy associated with Vaughan Payne’s contract and value of redundancy pay to Peter Winder. TP240037 OIA Response


Email from Peter Winter to staff regarding his and Murray Strong’s meeting with the Minister. TP240048 OIA Response


Establishment costs, redundancies, branding, disestablishment costs. TP240019 OIA Response
Apr-2024 How much Te Pūkenga paid out in redundancy fees over the past two years, kaimahi affected and rough size of kaimahi over the network TP240021 OIA Response
Apr-2024 How much Te Pūkenga spent on consultation groups. TP240027 OIA Response
Apr-2024 The response/"report back" made to Minister Simmonds, as requested in her Letter of Expectations 2023. TP240028 OIA Response
Mar-2024 Status of Te Pūkenga work plan in light of Letter of Expectation

TP240008 OIA Response

TP240008 Appendix One

Mar-2024 Notes or records of any meetings between the Chief Executive of Te Pūkenga and Minister Simmonds TP240013 OIA Response
Mar-2024 The costs of rebranding related to the new Government’s decision to disestablish Te Pūkenga TP240015 OIA Response
Mar-2024 Details of previous and current Chief Executives TP240017 OIA Response
Feb-2024 Letter of Expectation and email communications that discuss potential changes in priorities for the new government

TP230277 OIA Response

TP230277 Appendix Two

Jan-2024 The date, time and location of your initial meeting with the new Minister TP230278 OIA Response
How can I make an information request?

To make a request, please email with specific details of the information you are after and your contact details. 

When will I hear from you?

We will respond to your request as soon as reasonably practicable and no later than 20 working days after we receive it. We may contact you to refine your request if the scope is very broad or if we feel the request is not clear. In some cases, we may require an extension, see section 15A of the Official Information Act. 

When will I get the information?

We may refuse or withhold certain information if there is conclusive, good, or administrative reason to do so, under the Official Information Act. If we need to do this, we will let you know why. For more information, see sections 6, 7, 9 and 18 of the Official Information Act.

What if I am not happy with your response?

If you have not received a response by the due date or are not satisfied with your response, you have the right to make a complaint to the Ombudsman. Information about how to do this is available at or call 0800 802 602.