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Vocational Education
About Us
He ara hei whai i te ora | A pathway towards wellbeing
Kua tīmata te mahi tauira whakahaere a Te Pūkenga
Te Pūkenga learner advisory committee makes finals of national governance award
He rongo kōrero mai i te Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmua mō tēnei wā
Ka pānuitia e te Kāwanatanga he kete āwhina mō ngā tauira mātauranga matua
Ngā kopounga ā-iwi o Te Tauihu ki te Poari o NMIT
Kua pānuitia ngā mema o te Poari Pūmātauranga NZIST
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o SIT
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o NMIT
Kōtui Kōrero newsletter - February 2022
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o Toi Ohomai
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o EIT
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o WINTEC
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o UCOL
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o te Kuratini o Tai Poutini
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o WITT
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o WelTec me Whitireia
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o Te Kuratini Tuwhera
Te Pūkenga and learners work together to design the future
Kua rite ētahi whakahaere whakangungu ki te whakawhiti
Ka hui mai te Kaiwaiata a Hollie Smith me ngā ākonga o Wintec
New Disputes Resolution provider for domestic learners
E mihi ana a NZIST ki ngā tāngata whiwhi tohu i ngā Hōnore Huritau o te Kuini
Co-design team begins operating model mahi
Stars align for Te Pūkenga webinar
Te Pūkenga champions Pacific collaborations
Early movers, a kaimahi journey
Te Pūkenga commends Taumata Aronui vision for Māori tertiary success
Te Pūkenga welcomes training support extension
NZDF and Te Pūkenga enter new vocational education agreement
Increased mental health support for Te Pūkenga learners across the motu
Engagement begins on leadership structure of vocational education
Te Pūkenga works with NZQA to roll out new learner pastoral care Code
Te Pūkenga and ITENZ enter new partnership
Budget investment into vocational education and training applauded
Learners at forefront of Te Pūkenga partnership
Kaimahi make a significant contribution to mahi planning for future academic delivery
MITO joins Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning whānau
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o MIT me Unitec
Pūtea Whakawhāiti mō te Whakangungu me ngā Piatanga; he kōrero anō
Te āwhina i ngā ākonga mātauranga matua mō te ako tuihono
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o NorthTec
Ka tū te Tari Matua o NZIST ki Kirikiriroa
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o Ara
NZIST’s head office will be located at Wintec
Ko Stephen Town – tō mātou Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmua tuatahi
Kua uru a John Brockies ki te Kaunihera NZIST
Kua tīmata a Stephen Town hei Kawhakahaere Mātāmua
He pai te haere o ngā mahi
Te whakakaupapa i te Pūtahi ā-motu hou
Te Rā Tuatahi o NZIST
Kua whakaingoatia he Kaiwhakahaere anō mō ngā Poari Āpitihanga ITP o NZIST
He pūtea kua whakataua mō NZIST
Ka whakamihia e NZIST te kete Ringarehe me te Whakangungu
Kua kopoua te Poari Kaiwhakahaere Āpitihanga o Te Kuratini ki Otago
Te kaupapa-here rāhui pūtea te whakamahi me āna tikanga
Te whakarongo ki ā mātou ākonga
5,600 piatanga hou mō ngā ringarehe hanga whare
Ko Te Pūkenga tēnei
2020, kua oti!
He ākonga pūmau tonu
Ā mātou uara, a closer look at our values, guiding Te Pūkenga
Kua oti ngā mahi mō te tau i te iwa marama noa iho
Ko Te Ākonga te Pūtake kua tukua kia haere
Aromātai Kaimahi
Kua hono mai te BCITO ki te whānau Ako Wāhi-Mahi a Te Pūkenga
Ko ngā mahi tika hei tautoko i te ākonga te tino kaupapa o te hui
Kia Hikitia te Ōritetanga: tā Te Pukenga Anga Otinga o Te Rito
Kia tairangatia te Tiriti o Waitangi me te ōritetanga Māori e angitu ai ngā ākonga i Te Pūkenga
Te waihanga tikanga hou
Next gen solutions for equity
He tīmatanga hōu – new beginnings for Te Pūkenga
Te Whakanui i Te Wiki o te Reo Māori
Kua kopoua te Heamana o te Komiti Tohutohu Tika Kararehe ā-Motu
Kua whakatūria te Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmua hou mō NZIST
Kua tata tae ki te mutunga o te rori
Te mahi tahi puta noa i te kōtuituinga
Ko Competenz te TITO tuatahi kia whakawhiti ki te whānau o Te Pūkenga
Kia whai reo te 70,000 kaimahi me ngā ākonga
He mahi i ngā mahi pai
Whakaoreore i Te Ao Hou He Whakarāpopoto i ngā Whakahoki Kōrero
Kia noho te ākonga hei pūtake
Kua tau, kua rite te tīma kaiarataki a Te Pūkenga
E whakatūhia ana e Te Pūkenga he āpitihanga ako wāhi-mahi
You can contribute to Te Pūkenga draft Academic Regulations out now
Work on Te Pūkenga Learner Advisory Committee underway!
Work Based Learning Chief Executive appointed
Te Pūkenga shares organisational strategy
Te Pūkenga shares International Education Strategy
Te Pūkenga releases first annual report
Exciting Pūhoro STEMM Academy Partnership for the Regions in 2022
Ngā toro whakakitenga whakamutunga mō 2020
First full-year Annual Report released
#MTH: He puna waihanga, he kanohi matara
He rongo mai i ngā ākonga huri noa te motu
Te whakapiki i te mana o te mātauranga ahumahinga
Kia kaha ake te kitea o tā mātou Ara Whakawhiti
Tūtaki mai ki a DCE Vaughan Payne
He āhua rite ki te hoki ki te kāinga
Nōu te wā!
He tino kopounga kaitiaki i Tāmaki Makaurau
Te Kaunihera, te Kaiwhakahaere Tōmua o tēnei wā o NZIST
MITO transition to Te Pūkenga approved
New Te Pukenga Council Member appointed
Te Pukenga and Te Wānanga o Aotearoa agreement to benefit all New Zealanders
Te Pukenga Council appoint Verne Atmore as Chair of UCOL
Marae programme gives food for thought
Creating meaningful change for Pacific people
Fashion degree leads to top design label
Postgrad getting real-life skills
Investing in staff development
Living in two worlds
I hui ngā heamana āpitihanga NZIST ki Pōneke
Ka whakanuia e NZIST ngā Pokapū Ahumahinga Hiranga
Kua whakaaetia e NZQA tētahi arotake whāiti mō ngā āpitihanga
Ākuanei ka tuaringa te hoahoa ariā o te Tauira Whakahaere
Operating Model update: Te Pūkenga Proposed Structure Consultation
Kua Hikitia e Te Kuratini o Ōtepoti Tōna Hui Whakapōtaetanga
Ka waihanga Whare Whakangungu Ringarehe Te Kuratini o Otago
Tō mātou titikaha ki te tahua whakauka
Kua kopoua ngā tino komiti kaitiakitanga
E wātea ana he kōrero hou ā-ipurangi mō Kōtui Kōrero
Kua oti te arotake i Tō te Ākonga Reo
Te ako me te tuari i ngā urupare i Te Pae Tawhiti
Māori governance appointments made in partnership
Te Pūkenga Executive adopts partnership framework developed by learners
Te whakaoreore ā-ao whānui i roto i tēnei ao hou
Te Pūkenga gears up nationally for learner success pilot programmes
Heamana hou mō te Poari o Te Kura Matatini ki Otago
He rongo kōrero hou mai i Te Pūkenga
Kei te whakariterite i ngā tikanga hei whakauru, whakawhiti hoki i ngā ITO
Te takatū ki te anamata o NZIST
He aha ngā mātāpono o te Tauira Whakahaere?
Te Whakaoreore i te Ao Hou - Kua Whakaroa Atu i Te Wā mō te Tuku Whakaaro Mai
He pūrongo e whakapuaki ana i ngā tino āhuatanga e angitu ai te ākonga Māori
Ngā hua o te tuarua o ngā uiuinga kōtuinga Aromātai Kaimahi
ServiceIQ joins Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Limited
Heamana Poari Hou mō NMIT
He whakahoatanga hou hei whakarite pūkenga pūngao mō ao o āpōpō
Tā te rangahau e angitu ai te ākonga whaikaha
Tā te rangahau e angitu ai te ākonga Pasifika
He Tau Hou, he tīma hou, he aronga hou ki te mahi
Kua kopoua e NZIST e ono ngā Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmua Tuarua
Te mahere a te Heamana me te Kaiwhakahaere Mātāmua
Kei runga kē te TTP i ngā tatauranga mahi ā-motu
He aha te Tauira Whakahaere?
Where did the swimming pool go?
An update from Te Pūkenga - April 2021
Te Pūkenga set to welcome final industry training organisations into Work Based Learning
Te Pūkenga agrees a plan to improve outcomes for all disabled learners in vocational education across Aotearoa
Ka mahitahi Te Pūkenga me Energy Academy hei whakatere ake i te āheinga o te rāngai pūngao
Ākuanei ka tae mai a Te Pūkenga ki tō rohe.
Te Pūkenga Operating Model update
Ngā hoa o Te Pūkenga e koki whakamua ai ki te āpōpō
I kotahitia tā Te Pūkenga kōtuinga ā-motu mō te ingoa hou
Te Raurau Kaiwhakamahi – he whakawhiti kōrero mā ngā kaitukumahi me Te Pūkenga
Mā te Anga Tiriti e tutuki ai te ōritetanga mō te Māori
Te tauira whakahaere me te wāhi ki ngā kaitukumahi
Te whakapiki i te mana o te mātauranga ahumahinga
Te Pae Tawhiti comes alive
He kōrero hou nā NZIST
Kōtui Kōrero newsletter - August 2021
Te whakarite tirohanga mārama mō te āpōpō
Te Pūkenga releases updated financial forecast
Whakanuia Te Kāhui o Matariki
Kōtui Kōrero newsletter - June 2022
E ono tekau ngā rā mō Stephen i roto i te rāngai
Kōtui Kōrero newsletter - April 2022
Kōtui Kōrero - May 2022
Whāmōhio mai ana ngā reo kaimahi, ākonga hoki i a mātou
Kōtui Kōrero newsletter - October 2021
Kōtui Kōrero - March 2022
Kōtui Kōrero newsletter - July 2021
Kua rangona ngā reo kaimahi i te terenga o Te Pūkenga
Kua rangona ngā reo kaimahi i roto i te hīkoi o Te Pūkenga
Ko te mauroa kei te iho o ngā mahia Te Pūkenga
Te whakatakoto tūāpapa mō te mahitahi
Te Pūkenga preparing to offer unified Nursing and Social Work degree programmes
Te Pūkenga begins engagement on draft Operating Model
Ko te TITO tuarua ka whakawhiti ki Te Pūkenga
Ki tēnei DCE he tino whaitake ngā kaitukumahi
Te Pūkenga shares summary of feedback received on proposed Operating Model
Te Pūkenga welcomes Toi Ohomai and Wintec into the whānau
Te Pūkenga subsidiaries work together to create Super Career Fairs
Te Turuturu provides opportunities to connect with Partnerships and Equity mahi
Thanks for your incredible mahi during 2021
Third Aromātai Kaimahi network survey launches
Toi Ohomai and Wintec make first transition to Te Pūkenga
Kua waitohu Kawa Whakawhiti a Connexis me Te Pūkenga
Tuari tonuhia ō whakaaro i ā mātou ka whakawhanake i te tauira whakahaere anamata.
Secondary tertiary pathways pilot underway in Canterbury
Careerforce joins Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Limited
Campaign to introduce Te Pūkenga to Aotearoa begins
HITO joins Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Limited
Te Pūkenga takes change message to the heart of our communities
Te Pūkenga network gears up for mental health
Ara-Te Pūkenga Student takes out top Australasian award for young chefs
Parts of Skills joins Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Limited
Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning now country’s largest on-the-job training organisation as Primary ITO joins
Te Pūkenga leadership structure confirmed
Appointment to Te Pūkenga Council confirmed
Our whare grows stronger as ITP transition continues
Work-based learning subsidiary to transition into Te Pūkenga at end of year
Stepping towards financial sustainability
New professional counselling service provided free to all learners at Te Pūkenga
Kaupapa Māori excellence recognised across Te Pūkenga
Appointments made to permanent Te Pūkenga executive team
Construction and infrastructure workforce set to benefit from agreement between Waihanga Ara Rau and Te Pūkenga
Appointment brings work-based learning experience to executive
Chief Executive appointed to lead Te Pūkenga
Recognising departing tertiary leaders across Aotearoa
Chief of Staff and Tiriti Outcomes appointments made to leadership
First regional co-leads appointed to Te Pūkenga
New appointments to Te Pūkenga Council
Collaboration and innovation lead to new cybersecurity training
'Our Sacred Māori Voices' book launched
Nelson and Wellington leaders take up key roles at Te Pūkenga
Ākonga Māori success focus of Te Pūkenga collaboration
Te Pūkenga expanding offering in China - Ara | Te Pūkenga
New Te Pūkenga leaders bring academic and business acumen
Te Pūkenga Regional Co-Leader honoured for services to Māori
Te Pūkenga launches consultation on proposed new model
Consultation to set future path for Te Pūkenga
Te Pūkenga and Apple announce education partnership to deliver equity to Aotearoa tech sector
New Te Pūkenga leader appointed
Te Pūkenga reaffirms commitment to Hawke’s Bay campus with face-to-face learning to return
Te Pūkenga releases 2022 Te Pūrongo ā-Tau | Annual Report
Vocational Education Alliance established with CCIPE
Zero Fees Scheme continues in Southern regions for 2024
NMIT | Te Pūkenga and Air New Zealand join forces to advance aviation education in Aotearoa
Te Pūkenga kaiako among top tertiary teachers
He Toki Kai Te Rika carving the future of Ōtākou | Otago
Otago and Southland apprentices gain in collaborative Te Pūkenga trial
Te Pūkenga confirms new structure for enhanced national vocational education and training
Getting the best results for Fire and Emergency training programmes
Training for the low carbon future of heavy transport
Te Pūkenga teams up with REANNZ to deliver high performance Wi-Fi to all learners
Te Pūkenga ākonga off to China thanks to Prime Minister Scholarships
Te Pūkenga to co-host major international learning conference in 2025
Te Pūkenga research excellence a focus for 2026 PBRF
Preparing ākonga for the collaborative future of healthcare
Building the next generation of tradies starts at school
Destination Colombia for Te Pūkenga Prime Minister Scholarship winners
Strengthening links with vocational education in China
Te Pūkenga WorkSafe Enforceable Undertaking
Te Pūkenga 2023 Annual Report released showing more than $50m in cost savings
Te Pūkenga launches online resources to help tertiary education providers better support learners
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