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Campaign to introduce Te Pūkenga to Aotearoa begins

Mahuru 19, 2022 | 3 min read

Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology – is launching a national campaign this month to help New Zealanders understand who the organisation is and how it can support learners and employers across the country.

Te Pūkenga Acting Chief Executive Peter Winder says the campaign is a key milestone, better integrating Te Pūkenga Network and focusing on meeting the needs of ākonga (learners) and employers.

The first stage has been the launch of a significantly revamped website.

“Our revamped web presence has the first stages of intelligent navigation capability, which is fuelled by the world’s largest AI platform. This functionality will enable learners and employers to experience the full range of our Network’s offerings,” he says.

The intelligent navigation tool draws on data from the entire Te Pūkenga network, rather than learners and employers having to navigate 25 different websites to find the information they were looking for.

“The next phase is a series of advertising activity, with regionally targeted ads aimed at explaining the relationship between our Network and Te Pūkenga. This phase will also highlight some of the benefits of a national Network, combined with an on-going, strong regional and local presence.”

The regular advertising conducted by the polytechnic sector every year to promote their offerings to prospective learners also commences this month.

“This time of year is an important part of our annual cycle, particularly for our network of former Polytechnics. The advertising is aimed at recruiting learners to our extensive range of courses and programmes to meet 2023 enrolment targets. This activity continues to be led, funded and directed by marketing teams across Te Pūkenga Network.

“The difference this year is that the Network has developed a coordinated approach, aimed at reducing the competitive elements of our advertising and visually reflecting the move towards a cohesive, integrated national Network.

“Last night [Sunday 18 September], the third phase commenced, which is aimed at introducing Te Pūkenga to Aotearoa. This activity replaces what most of the previously separate organisations invested in every year, promoting their individual brands as great places to learn,” he says.

The AV component of the national campaign will first air in prime time TV on Sunday evening, 18 September. This will include a full te reo version, with English subtitles, reflecting Te Pūkenga aspirations to be a leader in connecting with Māori learners and their whānau.

Of the total $3.5 million campaign budget, $3 million is funded by the Network from existing advertising budgets and the remaining $500,000 funded by Te Pūkenga.