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Kōtui Kōrero newsletter - October 2021


Kōtui Kōrero newsletter - October 2021

Whiringa-ā-nuku 12, 2021 | 2 min read

Kia ora koutou

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve made significant progress in the establishment of three key bodies who will provide valuable insight and advice to Te Pūkenga Council – our interim Staff and Learner advisory committees and interim Komiti Māori. 

Each body will provide advice to Te Pūkenga Council with a representative from each committee sitting on Council. This will ensure your voices and the voices of our learners and iwi partners are part of every meeting and Council discussion.

Our Komiti Māori is made up of experts appointed in partnership with Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group. The Komiti will provide our Council with advice, quality assurance and critical thought leadership.

The establishment of these Committees is a key milestone for Te Pūkenga as it provides a governance framework for Council to engage with staff and learners and partner with Māori.   Collectively, these Committees will bring diverse and independent staff, learner and Māori voices to conversations about our development – ensuring we keep ākonga at the centre of everything we do, build on good practice and be locally responsive to the needs of learners, their whānau and communities.

Each group will design and test the framework we’ll use when permanent committees are put in place during 2023. 

Each committee is an essential element of our governance – so it’s a real milestone to have them established and providing advice to Council to ensure we deliver the best outcomes for all of our learners. 

You can read more about the committees here.

Ngā mihi 

Stephen Town 
Chief Executive 


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