Operating Model update: Te Pūkenga Proposed Structure Consultation
Hōngongoi 1, 2022 | 3 min read
In order to build on the strengths of our network subsidiaries we released our proposed Operating Model in November 2021. This year, we are designing a new organisation structure that delivers the capabilities and capacity we need to fulfil our charter commitments to ākonga, with their whanau, Tiriti partners, employers and our priority communities – Māori, Pacific and disabled people.
Running alongside this is the mahi to welcome TITOs into Te Pūkenga WBL and to bring ITPs directly into our whanau. We’ve already welcomed Toi Ohomai and Wintec and look forward to welcoming all other ITPs ahead of the legislative deadline of 31 December 2022. We also look forward to welcoming Service IQ this month with other TITOs to follow.
Over the next few weeks we will be preparing to consult on the proposed organisational structure and wanted to give you an update on this mahi.
Consultation on our proposed structure
From Tuesday 19 July to Tuesday 16 August, we will welcome kaimahi feedback on the draft organisation structure for Te Pūkenga. The formal name of this mahi is “Operating Model: Te Pūkenga Horizon 1 Consultation on Proposed Organisation Structure”.
All Network kaimahi are welcome to share their views through the consultation. This means all Te Pūkenga national office and business units, Te Pūkenga WBL, ITP subsidiaries and TITO kaimahi will be provided with the proposal information and supported to participate in the consultation.
Our proposed structure will bring together Ako Networks (teaching, training, learner wellbeing, and employer functions), and regions into one transformative structure that will build on the strengths of both TITOs and ITP subsidiaries.
Because the proposal is a significant realignment of our organisation and for some kaimahi, and also proposes direct changes to roles and responsibilities, we will be consulting with kaimahi directly.
Consultation and engagement
Consultation is a specific process that asks for and genuinely considers kaimahi views when making decisions around proposing change to someone's employment or transforming a work environment. This consultation process will occur over a four week period from 19 July.
Ākonga, with their whanau, Tiriti partners, employers and our priority communities – Māori, Pacific and disabled people are critical to our success as Te Pūkenga. Te Pūkenga ELT are engaging with these stakeholders and continues to champion these relationships throughout our establishment. We are calling this mahi, engagement.