Our kaimahi and ākonga will have an exclusive educational experience in celebration of New Zealand’s first national holiday for the Aotearoa Pacific New Year.
Te Pūkenga is hosting a 90-minute webinar, Whakanuia Te Kāhui o Matariki, featuring the Government’s expert advisors from 1.30pm on Thursday 23 Pipiri (June).
Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars that rises in mid-winter and heralds the start of the indigenous New Year. It will be officially celebrated in Aotearoa New Zealand as a public holiday on Friday 24 Piripi (June).
As well as learning about te ao Māori and the mātauranga associated with Matariki and the maramataka (Māori lunar calendar), participants will be introduced to our new wellbeing framework, ‘Te Pae Māhutonga’.
Te Pūkenga is taking a leadership role in the tertiary sector in partnership with Māori by adopting the holistic wellbeing framework developed by Tā Mason Durie.
Te Pae Māhutonga is the name of another well-known constellation and navigational guide called the Southern Cross.
The four ‘central stars’ of the Southern Cross represent four key areas that relate to wellbeing – mauriora (access to te ao Māori), waiora (environmental), toiora (healthy lifestyles) and te oranga (participation in society) – while the two ‘pointers’ depict ngā manukura (effective leadership) and te mana whakahaere (autonomy).
Matariki Advisory Committee chair Professor Rangiānehu Mātāmua and member Victoria Campbell will join lecturer Mataia Keepa in the webinar, Whakawhanuia Te Kāhui o Matariki.
Kaimahi and ākonga (students) can pre-register for the webinar here. Staff who are teaching at this time are encouraged to use the webinar with their students. The session will also be recorded and made available to the network.
Whakanuia Te Kāhui o Matariki complements a range of Matariki events which are being organised by local teams at different locations throughout the network.