Strengthening links with vocational education in China


 Strengthening links with vocational education in China

Pipiri 18, 2024 | 2 min read

Te Pūkenga recently reaffirmed our commitment to developing stronger ties with Chinese counterparts in vocational education and training.  

Currently, ākonga from China represent the second largest cohort of international learners studying with business divisions across Aotearoa New Zealand. There are also sixty-six active partnerships held between vocational education providers in both countries. 

On Thursday 13 June, we hosted a high-level delegation from the China Centre for International People-to-People Exchange CCIPE (Ministry of Education) at Ngā Kete Wānanga Marae, MIT Ōtara.  

“Today’s visit confirms that we will continue to work together to enhance that already strong reputation our qualifications have (in China),” Te Pūkenga Tumuaki | Chief Executive Gus Gilmore told the visitors following pōwhiri.  

In August, Te Pūkenga signed a memorandum of arrangement with CCIPE at Parliament witnessed by the countries’ Education Ministers to establish the NZ-China Vocational Cooperation and Development Alliance, a framework for discussing and enhancing further cooperation.  

More than 1,000 vocational institutes and colleges operate in China.  

“We are inviting more Chinese institutes to take part in our cooperation programme,” said CCIPE Director-General Changxue Yu.  

“The two sides will continue to deepen practical cooperation, carry out high-level research and high-level talent cultivation for the economic and social development of the two counties,” said Mr Yu, who led the delegation.  

Initially, the alliance will focus on seven fields of vocational study: 

  • early childhood education
  • tourism and hospitality
  • culinary arts
  • aged healthcare
  • veterinary science
  • cross border e-commerce
  • electric vehicle technology.  

Since the arrangement was signed, regional business divisions have been identified to progress partnerships in focus areas alongside Chinese institutes and colleges sharing similar specialities.  

“We are excited about the opportunities the relationship will offer learners and staff in China and Aotearoa and look forward to future collaborations between our two countries and vocational institutes,” Mr Gilmore said.  

The delegation was in Tāmaki Makaurau to attend the China-New Zealand Education Development Forum.