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Issue 12 | June 2023


Issue 12 | June 2023

Pipiri 15, 2023 | 12 min read

Rau rangatira mā, tēnā tātou katoa

Today I am pleased to share Tāraia te anamata | Creating our futures – the change proposal on the structures for remaining groups of Te Pūkenga.

This is a significant milestone that I hope will bring you greater certainty as we strive to establish our new education and training organisation and give life to our operating model.

We are committed to becoming a unified organisation that is agile, equitable, and responsive at regional and local levels, meeting the evolving needs of ākonga, employers and our communities across Aotearoa New Zealand. These proposals take us a step closer towards these aspirations.

The change proposal I’m sharing today includes functions and organisational structure designs for:

 Kāhui Ako | Ako Delivery
 Kāhui Mātauranga me ngā Punaha Ako | Academic Centre and Learning Systems
• Kāhui Hua Tiriti | Tiriti Outcomes
 Kāhui Ākonga me te Ahumahi | Learner and Employer Experience and Attraction
Kāhui o te Tumuaki | Office of the Chief Executive.

You can now access the proposal and provide feedback via What Say You – our consultation platform – by registering at More details about What Say You and providing feedback is included below.

Our Executive Leadership Team are hosting online hui today and tomorrow to provide a high-level overview of the proposal. I encourage you to attend one of the remaining sessions tomorrow if you have not already.

Following these overview sessions, ELT will then hold ‘deep dives’ into each of their respective proposals during the week of 19-23 June. We will be sending invitations to kaimahi that we believe are closely aligned to the proposed design of each Group. We have also listed all the sessions on Te Whare. You are welcome and encouraged to attend any of the sessions if you want to learn more about the proposal for that Group.

I would like to acknowledge everyone who is impacted by this proposal. While there will be opportunities created through the 550 new positions outlined in the proposal, there is also a proposed reduction of 404 FTE (4.34% of our organisation) as we come together as a single organisation. You will all be impacted in different ways and will feel differently about the news shared with you this week. I encourage you to reach out for support in a way that works best for you.

I also acknowledge the wealth of experience, expertise, and skills that each of you possesses. Your valuable contributions have brought us to where we are today, and your input is crucial as we continue to shape our future.

Please remember that everything you see in this proposal is just that – a proposal. We are committed to considering all feedback before making any final decisions.

Look after yourselves and each other.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai | If kindness is sown then kindness you shall receive

Kia Manawa nui, Manawa roa, Manawa ora
Peter Winder
Tumuaki | Chief Executive

Ngā kōrero hou
Our updates


How to access the proposal and provide feedback  

You can now access the change proposal and provide feedback through What Say You, our consultation platform. 

Accessing What Say You 

To register for What Say You, go to:  

You will be sent to a registration form where you will be asked some simple questions that will help us analyse your feedback after the consultation period closes.  

Once registered you will be able to log in using  

Reading the proposal and providing feedback 

When you log into What Say You, you will be able to easily navigate through sections of the proposed structures for each Group, ask questions and receive answers from the consultation team, and provide feedback on the proposals.  

In each section of the proposal you will see: 

  • an opening message from the relevant Executive Leadership Team (ELT) member 
  • their vision for their group 
  • their proposed functions and functional groupings 
  • their proposed leadership structure, any new Director roles and the proposed recruitment process for roles reporting to ELT members 
  • the shape of each of the new Directorates (that sit within each group), including proposed organisation charts with any new roles and the proposed recruitment process. 

You are invited to provide feedback on all aspects of this proposal. 

Please note that your feedback and the answers to your questions will only be visible to you and them accessible by the feedback team. These kaimahi are part of our organisation design and change team, together with the Executive Leadership. 

What Say You is also the place where you can inform us if you think there is something wrong with the proposal. For example, if you believe your position is assigned to the wrong team, if you think there has been an incorrect change in your reporting line or if you need to change the personal details in the individual letter shared with you. We will be monitoring for this type of feedback to ensure a timely response.  

In addition if you have any other questions, concerns, or feedback, you can send an email to

What Say You is replacing Your Voice 

If you’ve participated in previous consultations or engagements at Te Pūkenga you may have used Your Voice (  

What Say You is replacing Your Voice for this consultation. You’ll find it more accessible, intuitive, and user-friendly.  

If you’d like to access previous consultation and decision documents that were on Your Voice, you can now find these on Te Whare: What’s happened so far? 


Consultation process and timeline

Consultation is now open.  

Our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) are holding online hui for all kaimahi today and tomorrow to share an overview of the proposals of the five groups. These hui are designed to help you to see the proposed shape of our organisation. You can still register for one of the two remaining sessions scheduled for Friday.

Next week, ELT will hold several online hui where they will go into greater detail about each of their groups. Details on these hui are included in the article below.  



7-15 June 

Conversations held with significantly impacted kaimahi  

14 June 

Online hui for significantly impacted kaimahi with Te Pūkenga DCE 

15-16 June  

ELT host online sessions to give an overview of the proposed structure 

15 June 

Consultation opens, consultation document shared 


All kaimahi with a change proposed to their role will receive their individual letter by the end of the day 

19-23 June 

Each ELT member will host online sessions to share a detailed presentation on the proposal for their group 

26 June-20 July  

Opportunities to connect with ELT online and kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) – we will share the schedule with you as it is confirmed  

5pm, 20 July 

Consultation closes 

August 2023 

Decisions are shared following analysis of feedback 


If you haven’t received an individual letter over email and you think you should have, please see your local People, Culture and Wellbeing team or email   


Join ELT to learn more about the proposals for their Group 

Next week, our ELT members will host online sessions where they will go into greater detail on each of the proposed group designs, including proposed teams and roles.  

These hui follow on from the high-level overviews they are hosting today and tomorrow. 

We will share an email with meeting invites to kaimahi that we have identified as closely aligned with the Group. We also recognise you may want to see all of the detailed presentations, or that we might not have these distribution lists correct, so we have added the details of these hui to Te Whare.  

You are welcome to attend any of the other hui if you would like to hear more about the other proposals. 


Finding support during times of change

Navigating periods of change can be challenging. It's important to remember that support is readily available. 

Where to find support: 

  • Your leader: your local leaders will be supported to provide you with information, advice, and guidance on the consultation process.  
  • People, Culture and Wellbeing (PCW): Reach out to your local PCW team, who are dedicated to helping kaimahi navigate periods of change. They can provide you with personalised support and answer any questions.  
  • If you’re a union member, your union representatives will also be available to provide support. Unions will be attending our briefings, so they will be connecting with us during the consultation period.  
  • External providers: You can access your local Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provider or Te Pūkenga National Office provider ( or phone 0508 664 981). EAP can offer you support with a range of challenges including:  
  • stress and pressure – personal or work 
  • depression and anxiety 
  • workplace issues and changes 
  • bullying and harassment  
  • anger and conflict issues 
  • relationship and family matters 
  • grief and loss 
  • life transition and personal development 
  • health and wellbeing 
  • career planning 
  • budgeting and money management or coaching 
  • personal legal advice. 



  • Taumauri: Our wellbeing platform Taumauri contains a wealth of information to support you with the challenges of change. 
  • Navigating change: This three-part module will help you identify your values and provide insight into why they matter, how they can help you navigate change and how to use them to strategically design your life. 
  • Here’s a selection of articles to help you navigate change, build resilience, and manage stress
  • Challenge of change: This collection of videos on Te Whare features Ihopūmanawa (talented and extraordinary people) sharing their stories of connection. Their stories remind us that we don’t journey through changes alone and can lean on others. 
  • Your career journey: This three-part video series encourages you to reflect on your personal values, your career and next steps. 
  • Fact sheets on Te Whare (under Resources)
    • ​Building resilience 
    • Looking after yourself 
    • Integrating body and mind in everyday life.

Remember, you don't have to face this time alone. Please take advantage of the support available and reach out.