Special Issue - Operating Model Communications


Special Issue - Operating Model Communications

Hōngongoi 14, 2022 | 7 min read


Ngā Taipitopito - 7 July

Ka Mua, Ka Muri | Explore the past, shape the future: navigating change

With consultation on Tā Mātou Hanganga Whakahaere i Tāpae ai, Our Proposed Structure beginning Tuesday 19 July, we wanted to share some kōrero with you to help you navigate yourself and support others through change. Read more

Consultation: What you can expect

Stephen Henry, Kaiwhakaura, Director Transformation and Transition sat down with Amomai Pihama, Co-Manager, Communications and Engagement to talk about what kaimahi can expect when the Consultation information is shared. Watch the video here

Meet Dave Christiansen, Te Pūkenga ITP Transition Lead, who shares his insights on Early Movers mahi

Dave Christiansen, former chief executive of Wintec, has taken on a new role as ITP Transition Lead at Te Pūkenga. We caught up with Dave to find out about his role and his mahi in the Early Movers space. Read more


Ngā Taipitopito - 30 June

As the mid-year Consultation on Our Proposed Structure nears, we remind you of the dates and channels to share feedback to us. Read more

Ngā Taipitopito – 23 June

Our Proposed Structure Consultation and design

As we move closer to our mid-year Consultation on Our Proposed Structure, we’re sharing details about the processes and concepts that sit behind the mahi you’ll be giving feedback on. Read more

How to give feedback on Our Proposed Structure

We are setting out how you can contribute to the Consultation and provide your feedback. Read more

Ngā Taipitopito – 10 June

He tīmatanga hōu – new beginnings for Te Pūkenga

In a traditional ceremony of celebration, Te Pūkenga officially welcomed the first ‘early mover’ Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) to its national network. Read more

Consultation on our proposed structure

This year, we are designing a new organisation structure that delivers the capabilities and capacity we need to fulfil our charter commitments to ākonga, with their whānau, Tiriti partners, employers and our priority communities – Māori, Pacific and disabled people. Over the next five weeks we will be preparing to consult on the proposed organisational structure and wanted to give you an update on this mahi. Read more

Meet Leon Fourie – Wintec Toi Ohomai Executive Transition Lead

Dr Leon Fourie, former Chief Executive of Toi Ohomai, has started his new role as Wintec Toi Ohomai Executive Transition Lead. We caught up with Leon to find out a bit more about him. Read more

Kōtui Kōrero

Stephen Town writes about our whakanuia to formally welcome our early movers, Toi Ohomai and Wintec into Te Pūkenga. Read more


Ngā Taipitopito – 31 May

Early mover ITPs

Tomorrow, we are formally welcoming Wintec and Toi Ohomai into the Te Pūkenga whānau. We’re recapping what it means to be an early mover ITP. Read more

Early movers, a kaimahi journey

Tomorrow, Toi Ohomai and Wintec are moving into Te Pūkenga. Wintec Executive Director Māori, Quality and Academic TeUrikore Biddle talks about what the move means to her and her team. Watch the video here

Ngā Taipitopito – 13 May

A note from Tania Winslade

Tania Winslade opens Ngā Taipitopito with a piece on how our Operating Model is one part of how we set up our organisation to make a tangible difference for all ākonga (learners) and kaimahi (staff) in our network. Read more

Giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi in the Operating Model 

A highly skilled Te Tiriti o Waitangi Design Working Group will ensure that Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Māori perspectives are embedded and normalised in the design and structure of the new Operating Model for Te Pūkenga. Read more

Transitional Industry Training Organisations update

Work is underway to welcome ServiceIQ, the latest Transitional Industry Training Organisation (TITO) to join Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning (WBL) subsidiary. The TITO transition mahi is part of the wider Operating Model activity needed to support ākonga success. Read more

Kōtui Kōrero

Tania Winslade opens Kōtui Kōrero with a piece on how our Operating Model is one part of how we set up our organisation to make a tangible difference for all ākonga (learners) and kaimahi (staff) in our network. Read more


Ngā Taipitopito – 29 April

This update introduces the team leading WBL, one of the four key workstreams of the Operating Model. Read more

Ngā Taipitopito – 8 April

Stephen announces that Toi Ohomai and Wintec will formally dissolve and move, as they are, into Te Pūkenga on 1 June – our first Early Movers. Read more.

Ngā Taipitopito – Operating Model special – 6 April

A special newsletter was released today including information about:

  • Workstreams
  • Timing
  • Governance and advisory
  • 2022 Operating Model conversations
  • Strong network
  • Our values
  • Next steps
  • FAQs

Read more

Kōtui Korero

Stephen announces that Toi Ohomai and Wintec will formally dissolve and move, as they are, into Te Pūkenga on 1 June – our first Early Movers. Read more

RoVE News

Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology (Toi Ohomai) and Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) announced that they will move into Te Pūkenga on 31 May 2022. Read more


Ngā Taipitopito – 11 March

Design workshops and timelines

This month, the Operating Model Programme Team working on the four workstreams are holding small design hui with groups of people across Te Pūkenga. Read more


The Operating Model Team are revising timelines, and confirming what is being consulted on, with who and when. There are a lot of options to work through and we are committed to being clear on who will be involved at each step. Read more

Kōtui Kōrero – March

In our March edition, Stephen Town provided an update on our Operating Model mahi, including the four workstreams and our focus for 2022. Read more

RoVE News

Te Pūkenga Operating Model Update

As part of the current design phase, the Operating Model Team and Te Pūkenga Executive Leadership Team (ELT) held a four-day design workshop sprint last week. Read more


Ngā Taipitopito – 24 February

An Operating Model Working Group has been established, which includes representatives from across our Te Pūkenga network and will ensure diverse views are captured and considered. In this article, we introduce the members and what the first meeting covered. Read more

Ngā Taipitopito – 14 February

We share our thanks for everyone who contributed to our Operating Model engagement 2021, announce changes to expand our team, and talk about the four workstreams we’ll be operating in to complete the required mahi this year. Read more

RoVE News

Te Pūkenga Operating Model update

Since last year’s engagement Te Pūkenga has moved to managing the Operating Model work through four streams. This means that each part of work can move ahead while staying connected. Read more