Tuari tonuhia ō whakaaro i ā mātou ka whakawhanake i te tauira whakahaere anamata.
June 10, 2021 | 2 min read
The service concepts, which you can view here in the Our Journey online space, will be available for your input until Friday 30 July. This is the next stage in an extended period of engagement activity focused on the development of our future operating model. The work has progressed in the last six months, in partnership with EY and EY Tahi.
Our co-design group of 43 members have met five times since February, with a final meeting in late May, and they have been central to this work. The group has been guided by hundreds of submissions from the sector, learners, employers and interested people through the Our Journey platform, workshops, interviews, and discussion forums.
This is the third time we have shared design challenges and service concepts as part of the design process. Public feedback is an important part of the co-design process as we move towards finalising the conceptual design of our future operating model.
After the last round of public feedback the number of service concepts was expanded from seven to eight. The additional concept, Match and Mentor, was created to fill a gap that was identified as public contributions were reviewed.
Heather Geddes, Director Transformation and Transition, explains, "The team really appreciates how people have willingly shared their thoughts and experiences with us through this process. This has played a significant role in contributing to the updated service concepts and we look forward to hearing what people have to say about these."
"Through this process we continue to stay focused on making sure we are meeting the unmet needs of learners and employers and hearing from those who are involved with teaching and supporting learners. Your feedback will add to the progress of designing the future of vocational education and ensuring future generations will have an equal opportunity to access learning and be well supported to be successful."
Every voice matters and we want to hear your feedback again to ensure our service concepts will support future learners. To contribute to these, click here and share you views before Friday 30 July.
The operating model project timeline is available here.