Participants were taking part in a workshop arranged by Te Pūkenga. The workshop, the first of its kind, was an important first step in getting the senior people from the Transitional ITOs (TITOs) and Te Pūkenga together to develop a better understanding of the transition period, and how transferring the arranging training function from TITOs into Te Pūkenga can be designed to be seamless for ākonga, employers and industry.
TITOs will transition their arranging training function and standard-setting function over the next couple of years and are legislated to complete the move by December 2022. It’s likely that some of the arranging training will transition to Te Pūkenga and some is likely to transition to PTEs and wānanga. Standard-setting will transition to Workforce Development Councils (WDCs).
“We are all here, connected and united by our passion for learners. We might all speak a slightly different language now, but by coming together to build a common language and create a common purpose, we will be blending our two worlds and we’ll become one whānau. We will navigate our new world together,” says Merran Davis, Te Pūkenga Deputy Chief Executive of Transformation and Transition.
“I firmly believe that if we do the right thing, then the results will follow. In my mind, the transition of the arranging training function needs to firstly minimise the disruption to our employers and learners, and secondly, build a plan to improve things together,” says Merran.
The workshop, the first of many further conversations between TITO CEs and Te Pūkenga, asked participants to collaborate around a number of key topics, including What does good look like for a smooth transition of arranging training?
Fiona Kingsford, CE of TITO Competenz, has been seconded to Te Pūkenga on a part-time basis to assist with the development of a practical implementation plan that will support the smooth transfer of arranging industry training as well as ensuring learners and employers can continue to receive the support they need.
“I was really pleased with the outcome of today’s workshop. We need to work together to collaboratively determine the steps required for a successful transition. Our focus should be to ultimately extend vocational education and training into an ongoing lifelong learning journey that brings together the benefits of on-campus, on-line or on-the-job based on learners' needs and ultimately build skills for a productive NZ,” says Fiona.
“This is a huge change for the sector, and we need to navigate our way to the new world together. I felt that today’s workshop was a great first step in that direction.”
Workshop participants worked their way through a series of questions that helped everyone gain a better understanding of each other as well as starting to build a common language and purpose. First up was a break-out session about arranging training – participants were asked to collaborate on what they all perceived it was, and what it involved. After that, participants needed to get into the shoes of both a TITO CE and the CE of Te Pūkenga and start to think about what sorts of things they would need to see to ensure the transition of the arranging training function was successful.
Toby Beaglehole, who was recently appointed as CE of BCITO, a role he starts from 2021, found the workshop very useful. “It’s been really valuable to all get together and talk about transition and what it means. I’m really pleased we had the full range of TITOs in the room alongside Te Pūkenga. I think it really helped Te Pūkenga gain a greater understanding of the richness of what happens in workplaces, and the important role that all TITOs play in facilitating processes that can change people’s lives. I was impressed by the openness of the meeting and frank discussion about opportunities and approaches to change. I look forward to many more direct conversations with Te Pūkenga as we progress our transition plans.”
There are further meetings between TITOs and Te Pūkenga being planned, to maintain the momentum and further the progress that’s already been made.