Exciting Pūhoro STEMM Academy Partnership for the Regions in 2022
December 9, 2021 | 2 min read
Te Pūkenga is excited to approve a Te Tiriti Futures pilot programme targeted at Māori High School students to education and career pathways in Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Mātauranga Māori in three regions in the North Island.
Pūhoro STEMM Academy and three Institutes of Technology in the Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay and Manawatu will work together to extend the Pūhoro programme targeted at rangatahi in 2022.
Toi Ohomai, Eastern Institute of Technology and the Universal College of Learning (UCOL) are each partnering with Pūhoro Academy with a focus on increasing more Māori high school students into STEMM.
The Pūhoro STEMM Academy has proven its formula with a record of success working with high schools, colleges and kura Kaupapa Māori in various regions including Waikato, Canterbury and Auckland.
Pūhoro STEMM Academy has worked with Ara Institute of Canterbury previously, and the 2022 pilot extends and tests how innovative education programmes and Te Tiriti partnerships within the vocational education sector can target young Māori to foster a passion for sectors where Māori have low representation.
Aroha Armstrong from Te Pūkenga Te Tiriti Futures says, “Young Māori have enormous potential for science, technology and innovation and programme providers like Pūhoro offer a great way to connect rangatahi to their natural talent in these areas.”
The pilot programme officially begins in February 2022 and will be communicated through high school and kura networks in the regions from this month.