NZIST is pleased to welcome John Brockies as a member of Council.
Mr Brockies has extensive senior executive and governance experience, including as a Ministerial appointee to the Commissioner's Advisory Panel for Unitec and as an independent member of the RoVE Programme Board.
“John brings an extensive executive background to the Council, including deep employer and industry experience,” notes Council Chair, Murray Strong. “That, combined with John’s knowledge of the sector and the RoVE Programme at the governance level make him a very valuable addition.”
Mr Brockies is a past CEO of Siemens Energy Services Ltd, North Shore City and RFA Ltd; and Executive Director of Transfield in New Zealand; as well as past COO of United Networks and Watercare. He also has experience with significant projects, including the Britomart transport terminal, Auckland Art Gallery extension, the Viaduct Events Centre and a wide range of infrastructure, including the construction of regional fibre-optic networks and high voltage electrical assets.
His governance experience includes Naylor Love, the Waiāri Project Advisory Board for Tauranga City Council, the Resolve Group Ltd, and BRANZ.