In May 2020, we published seven Mobilising the New World interim reports and invited feedback. We’ve now summarised that feedback to produce the Mobilising the New World Summary of Feedback. This valuable feedback, that NZIST’s Council has reviewed, can now be used as additional input for the transformation of New Zealand's vocational education sector, including informing the development of NZIST’s operating model.
About Mobilising the New World
Seven working groups consisting of 76 people from across the vocational education sector were established by the IST Establishment Board to consider the future of the vocational education once NZIST came into existence. The working groups were asked to think about the future of the provision of vocational education.
While the world has shifted due to the 2019 COVID-19 pandemic since these reports were compiled, they are still relevant and important as we navigate our way towards a different way of providing vocational education.
The Mobilising the New World Interim Reports can be found on our publications page.