“Te Rito will directly influence how the vocational learning sector will work alongside learners particularly Māori learners in the future,” Deputy Chief Executive Learner Journey and Experience Tania Winslade said.
“We are particularly committed to meeting the needs of all learners especially those who haven’t previously been served well: Māori, Pacific and disabled learners.
“Māori learners have told us they want te ao Māori perspectives and mātauranga recognised. We heard the importance of early and whānau-centred support, relationships with staff and employers centred on whānau and manaaki centric principles. They shared their diverse motivations and measures of success. All learners have told us that the pathway into learning was an anxious time, but that early guidance, easy enrolment and meaningful early connections helped them build confidence,” Tania says.
A second report will focus on Pacific and disabled learners and a final report will identify future priorities for Te Pūkenga based on current activities.
A copy of Te Rito can be downloaded here.