Pacific learner voices heard through new Te Pūkenga research shows Pacific learners need to see their cultural identity reflected and embedded throughout their learning journey. They aspire to build intergenerational prosperity for their fanau, aiga, and communities.
Te Pūkenga has released two Te Rito reports, providing insights into the current experiences of Pacific and disabled learners in vocational and applied learning. This research builds on the first report focused on all learners, but particularly Māori learners. A series of personas – imagined characters based on real-life learner research – accompany the reports to deepen understanding of the needs of learners and those supporting them.
Te Rito: Insights from Pacific learners found that these learners are often strongly committed to their family obligations. Pacific learners often value learning opportunities as a way to enable them to better support their families.
“Each Pacific group has their own learning experiences, practices and challenges. These unique differences must inform how Te Pūkenga network responds,” says Tania Winslade, Te Pūkenga Deputy Chief Executive Learner Journey and Experience.
Embedding Pacific knowledge in our learning programmes and enabling Pacific staff and mentors provides a sense of connection and belonging by reflecting their cultural identity.
Te Rito reports help to understand better the vocational learner’s journey and experience in Aotearoa through the voice of learners and those that support them. These reports are informed by 315 participants in 45 focus groups from Whangarei to Invercargill. These reports help to ensure future decision-making and solution design to meet learner-determined needs, aspirations, and motivations.
“We are excited for the future, removing barriers, improving accessibility, and building connectivity for all, especially our traditionally underserved learners. We are now developing an action plan to address Te Rito recommendations for incorporating into network-wide strategy,” says Tania.
All Te Rito publications are available here - Learner Insights - Te Rito Reports