As part of our ongoing commitment to engage with the sector we will provide an update on the development of the operating model, with an opportunity for you to share your views, during the mid-year in-person kōrero series.
Our mid-year update will follow an extended period of engagement activity related to the development of the future operating model. The work has progressed since February, in partnership with EY and EY Tahi. A co-design group of 37 members who have met four times since February, with a final hui in late May, have been central to this mahi.
The design challenges and service concepts which have been proposed as part of the design process have been presented for public feedback twice in recent months.
Hundreds of people from the sector, learners, employers and interested people have contributed their views through the online engagement platform, workshops, interviews and discussion forms. This feedback has all contributed to the conceptual design which will be presented in June.
Heather Geddes, Acting Director Transformation and Transition, has expressed her thanks to everyone for their contributions to the operating model development work to date.
“We’ve had a wide range of people who have generously shared thoughts and experiences with the team when we’ve shared the thinking and asked for input. It’s been particularly helpful to have employers and the learners sharing their experience to assist the team as they are central to the future of the organisation.”
“The contributions have been from literally hundreds of individuals across Aotearoa. This has all assisted us to ensure our focus remains on progressing ideas that challenge the status quo and respond to research about unmet needs of learners and employers.”
“The development of the operating model continues to build on, and refer to, the research and thinking that was done last year last year, including the contribution of the Mobilising New World workstreams and Ākonga at the Centre research.”
The operating model project timeline is available here.