After a few COVID-19 related bumps in the road, Chair Murray Strong and Chief Executive Stephen Town’s plans to visit NZIST’s 16 subsidiaries are back on track.
Murray and Stephen are looking forward to visiting NZIST’s 16 subsidiaries. While Murray has already spent time at all the 16 subsidiaries during his role as the Executive Director NZIST Establishment Unit, the visits are an opportunity for Stephen to see each one.
“It’s really important to us both to take the opportunity to visit regularly – kanohi ke ti kanohi engagement is critical for our future success,” says Stephen. “We want to see and speak with staff, learners, partners and stakeholders where we can, but we’re also there to listen too.”
After the Government recent alert level reviews, and taking all necessary health and safety precautions, the roadshows have now been rescheduled. The first visit will be with SIT in Invercargill on Wednesday 16 September.
“The health and safety of people is our highest priority. We’re keen to get out and about but also acknowledge that our current environment is unpredictable. We are really looking forward to visiting but doing that in a way that keeps people safe and healthy. We know there are lots of questions out there, and we look forward to answering them,” says Stephen.
Murray and Stephen will be talking with staff and learners about a range of things including NZIST’s vision for the future, what the network will do to achieve equity, and how putting learners at the centre will underpin the creation of an entirely reimagined vocational education system.
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, te toa taki tini.
My strength is not mine alone, but that of the collective.