Te Pūkenga Chief Executive Stephen Town said the results from the survey were hugely beneficial to Te Pūkenga leadership as well as subsidiary leadership teams across the network.
“We’re all looking at this data together, talking about what we need to do better, what we can do differently and how we can empower our people to be involved in this once-in-a-generation opportunity to reform vocational learning,” he said.
The results show staff want more information on what the transition will mean for them and how they can contribute and support change, as well as how we can support staff whilst we undergo change.
Stephen said Te Pūkenga leaders agreed three key actions following the survey results:
- develop a framework for a network well-being programme with a project group from across the network
- develop a programme in support of “leading ourselves and others through change”
- continue communicating in ways that promote understanding of the change and engagement plan together with timelines
“We know people want clarity about what the future will look like. We see that in the Aromātai Kaimahi results as well as when my team have been visiting subsidiaries as part of Kōtui Kōrero – a conversation with Te Pūkenga.
“We want people in the sector, particularly from within our network, to help us design what the future looks like so we have the best chance of success – for learners, their whānau, employers and all New Zealanders.
“That means we need to build our operating model on solid foundations by consulting, co-designing and partnering with the sector, Māori, learners and their whānau, employers, regions and communities.
“That can mean things are uncertain for a little longer – and I acknowledge that can be challenging so we’ll be take steps to better support our whānau across the network, and utilising expertise across the network to do that.”
Te Pūkenga is working towards consulting broadly on the operating model in September 2021. The proposal will then go to the Minister, alongside an implementation plan before the end of the year. Organisational function and structure will follow Ministerial approval.
Stephen also pointed to the numerous network collaboration groups, working groups and workshops which brought together staff from both subsidiaries and transitional Industry Training Organisations (TITOs) to work collaboratively.
“We’re seeing people share what’s worked for them, compare best practice and work collaboratively towards the future. The fact that this has come through strongly in the Aromātai Kaimahi results is heartening and reflects the extent to which people are involved.
Te Pūkenga intends to continue Aromātai Kaimahi with the next survey expected to take place in November 2021. Transitional Industry Training Organisations (TITOs) who have transitioned to Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Ltd will also take part in the next survey.