Note, this information was updated in December 2021. Please see our about us page for up-to-date information.
As we embark on the journey to create our future, Te Pūkenga has confirmed a vision, purpose, educational priorities and an underpinning set of values to guide our governance, management and operating practice.
We’re excited to share them with you.
Our Vision
He akoranga whaihua – kia waihanga i te ao o āpōpō | Learning with purpose, creating our futures.
Our Purpose
Te Pūkenga provides excellent and quality education opportunities that support learners, employers and communities gain the skills, knowledge, and capabilities Aotearoa needs now and for the future. Learners and their whānau are at the centre of all we do.
Our Values
Manaaki. Aroha. Tiaki | We reach out and welcome in.
Mahi Tahi. Whanaungatanga. Tātai hono. Mahi tohungatanga | We learn and achieve together.
Kia tupu, kia hua. Tū horomata. Tohungatanga | We strengthen and grow the whole person.
Our Educational Priorities
We have five educational priorities. They support us to meet our legislative requirements, and will guide our work over the next few years:
- A relentless focus on equity and ensuring participation – we honour and uphold Te Tiriti o Waitangi in all we do.
- Delivering customised learning approaches that meet the needs of learners and trainees wherever they are.
- Using our size and scale to strengthen the quality and range of education delivery throughout Aotearoa. Excellence in educational provision for all.
- Services that meet the specific regional needs of employers and communities.
- Transition educational services in a smooth and efficient manner.
Te Pūkenga Chief Executive Stephen Town says, “We strive to provide excellent and quality education opportunities that support learners, employers and communities gain the skills, knowledge and capabilities Aotearoa needs now and for the future. Learners and their whānau are at the centre of all we do.
“We’re embarking on a huge transformation to reimagine a new vocational education system, all the while ensuring continuity of learning for those already engaged, acknowledging all the great mahi that has gone before us, and co-designing the future so more New Zealanders can meet their aspirations through vocational education. We can only meet our goals and aspirations if everyone within our community joins us for the journey. Having a clear vision, purpose and priorities, underpinned by strong values, will help guide us to reach our goals.”
A shared vision and values are core elements of Te Pūkenga. They provide focus and clarity not only in our strategic thinking but also in everything we do day-to-day. When everyone shares a vision and core set of values, amazing things can be accomplished, and we have much to do.
Our values help us bring meaning and heart to the vision we have for Te Pūkenga and the impact it can have within the sector. They enable people inside and outside of Te Pūkenga to see and feel the underlying belief system and expected behaviours of our approach to skills-based learning and reimagining vocational education in New Zealand. They help us all know who we are, who we want to be, and aid in making us accountable for the things we commit to. Aligned understanding, engagement and living of the values by our people is what we are striving for, as well as more consistent and engaging experiences for learners and employers.
And as with all journeys, as our transformation progresses some of our vision, purpose, and underpinning values may evolve.