Aromātai Kaimahi is a short staff survey which will be run at regular intervals across Te Pūkenga’s network of subsidiary organisations. The intention is to allow staff to provide Chief Executive Stephen Town, and the leadership team, with feedback on how they are feeling as we collectively look, and work, towards the future.
Stephen explains, “We want to understand how those who work in the network are thinking and feeling right now. Their initial views will be vital to support the beginning stages of designing our sector’s transformation.”
“Aromātai Kaimahi will help us gain valuable insight now and at regularly intervals over the next couple of years into what those in the sector need, and how they feel, as we progress our transformation. There are over 8,000 staff across our subsidiary network who will all have different experiences. It is important they all have an opportunity to regularly share their views.”
“The Te Pūkenga leadership team will look at insights and themes which emerge through Aromātai Kaimahi to help us make informed decisions during Te Pūkenga’s transformation in the coming two years. Our intention is to repeat the survey regularly so we can keep in touch with how staff feel about the changes occurring. We’ll then have an ability to respond to any feedback.”
Te Pūkenga has contracted New Zealand based company, AskYourTeam, to facilitate Aromātai Kaimahi. The initial survey is open from Tuesday 27 October for two weeks.
Themes and trends which emerge from the survey are expected to be shared with the Te Pūkenga network before the end of the year.
As well as providing feedback through Aromātai Kaimahi, staff will continue to have opportunities to talk about how things are going during roadshow visits and local Te Pūkenga activity too.
“I’ve almost finished my first roadshow series across the country. It’s been really useful to see and understand the range of things happening across the sector and to talk and listen with staff. They’ve asked plenty of questions which is great.
These sessions, alongside the survey, provide valuable insight into the areas that are going well, and where there is some concern. It’s a great way to take the temperature, and we’ll keep up this ongoing discussion.”