‘... the best indigenously inspired tertiary education system in the world – one where incredible success is experienced by indigenous people (this is normalised and expected) and where indigenous knowledge and experience influences the sector positively and becomes the inspiration for the success of all. This is an internationally lauded, distinctive Aotearoa-New Zealand tertiary education system where all succeed’
Manu Kōkiri – Māori Success and Tertiary Education: Towards a Comprehensive Vision
Te Pūkenga is applauding a new report advocating a ‘transformational change’ for Māori success in tertiary education.
By 1 January 2023, Te Pūkenga will be responsible for approximately a quarter of a million ākonga (learners) across Aotearoa New Zealand when Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics, and industry training organisations, unite as one.
Te Pūkenga will be the largest provider to Māori and among the largest providers to indigenous communities globally.
‘Manu Kōkiri – Māori Success and Tertiary Education: Towards a Comprehensive Vision’ has been released by Taumata Aronui, an independent advisory group convened by the Minister of Education.
The report outlines the group’s vision, aspirations and recommendations on how to make the tertiary education system successful not only for Māori learners and staff but also their whānau, hapū, iwi and all of Aotearoa New Zealand.
These include investments in initiatives relating to mātauranga Māori, the elimination of discrimination in the tertiary sector, and nurturing the mana, health and wellbeing of Māori communities through tertiary education.
The rōpū argue that ‘much remains to be done before a truly equitably, socially just, culturally rich, diverse, inclusive and empowering tertiary education sector, inspired by the Treaty of Waitangi, comes into existence’.
Government officials will now work with the Taumata Aronui to test, scope and further develop what has been set out in Manu Kōkiri.
Te Pūkenga Deputy Chief Executive Partnerships and Equity, Ana Morrison, applauded the rōpū for its comprehensive and ambitious vision for Māori success which will be an invaluable resource for the network.
Te Pūkenga must address the systemic failure of tertiary education to deliver an education experience appropriate to the needs of Māori, Ms Morrison says, and achieving sustainable uplift in Māori success requires a whole of organisation systemic change.
“The success of Māori is at the heart of our aspirations for vocational education and training, together with a commitment to put learners and their whānau at the centre of everything we do.
“Our priority is that Māori can learn and teach as Māori, and that Māori learner, hapū, iwi and employer outcomes are improved.” Taumata Aronui members are Professor Wiremu Doherty, Dr Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal, Mereraina Piripi, Dr Eruera Prendergast-Tarena, Brendon Green, Mamaeroa Merito, Raewyn Mahara and the chair, Dr Wayne Ngata.
Read the full publication here: Manu Kōkiri – Māori Success and Tertiary Education: Towards a Comprehensive Vision