In February 2021, Te Pūkenga Council made a submission to the Education Minister to seek approval for the establishment of a work-based learning subsidiary.
On Monday 15 March this request was confirmed by the Minister of Education. This allows our Te Pūkenga Council to establish the additional subsidiary.
“This is a necessary step which Te Pūkenga needs to put in place as part of the legal arrangements to transition those TITOs who have indicated they would like to transition to become part of Te Pūkenga. The work to establish this subsidiary is already underway,” Deputy Chief Executive Merran Davis said.
As we’ve previously indicated, four TITOs have signed Letters of Intent to transition some or all of the arranging of work-based training functions to Te Pūkenga before the end of 2021. That includes Competenz, Connexis, BCITO and most recently MITO; we’re already working closely with these organisations. These letters of intent are not exclusive and transferring the arranging training functions will happen after each TITO’s Transition Plan is approved by the TEC Board.