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Te Pūkenga is coming to a location near you soon


Te Pūkenga is coming to a location near you soon

May 7, 2021 | 2 min read

As part of our ongoing commitment to engage with the sector, learners and employers the team at Te Pūkenga is excited to be heading across Aotearoa with a mid-year in-person kōrero in June.

Te Pūkenga Executive Leadership Team will all be involved during the sessions, which will start immediately after Queen’s Birthday weekend. A number of locations across Aotearoa will be visited over the following four weeks and all sessions will be open to anyone who would like to attend.

Stephen Town, Chief Executive, explains, “The team is pleased to provide an update on mahi which has been ongoing across the organisation, and in partnership with the network, during the last six months.”

“We know that many people are keen to understand what happens next. We will be able to provide details on what we expect the next 8 - 10 months looks like and our key milestones and deliverables.”

“A key focus will be to provide an update on the development of the operating model, our work on the future of academic regulations, relationships with employers, understanding we’ve gained around learner perspectives and much more. There will be opportunities for staff and learners to contribute their views as we connect in person.”

We recognise that not everyone will be available to attend their local visit. Two online sessions will be held, and anyone will be welcome to join these. A recording from an early session will also be made available on our website.

A further series of opportunities for Te Pūkenga to engage with our stakeholders and communities will be scheduled for later in the year. Staff will hear directly from Stephen, most likely in September.

Exact dates and locations are now being confirmed and will be shared here shortly.