Te Piko, our organisational strategy outlines the direction and approach Te Pūkenga is taking over the coming year to set a firm foundation for achieving our vision. It gives us a roadmap to guide our mahi and focus our attention on the activities that will have the most benefit and impact on the experiences of our learners and their whānau, employers and industry, iwi, communities and our people.
Te Piko is based on the whakataukī (proverb) 'Ko te piko o te māhuri, tērā te tipu o te rākau, the māhuri tree bends as it grows in order for it to grow into the tree it is to become'.
It acknowledges how we will need to be flexible as Te Pūkenga adjusts and grows as a new organisation.
“Te Pūkenga has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to be able to tackle challenges people face in the sector, and to be successful, we need to be strategic and carefully plan our path ahead,” says Deputy Chief Executive Operations Vaughan Payne.
“An organisation of size and scale of Te Pūkenga is guided by many strategies, objectives, drivers and plans. Te Piko brings together our key documentation into a single, accessible document that gives us a clear direction to prioritise the work we have ahead of us.
“We will shortly be consulting with kaimahi on our organisational structure. Te Piko allows staff to understand how the proposed structure aligns with our organisational strategy.
“The scale of work ahead requires all our people to contribute to this mahi with their great skills and bring insights into the opportunities to create enhanced success.”