Over the year to June, 92% of Greymouth Training for Work students – and 88% of all of the 31 students involved – remained in jobs for longer than three months. This is a great result, and a significant jump on the national target of 50%.
Te Pūkenga Chief Executive, Stephen Town, congratulated Tai Poutini Polytechnic when he visited recently. He said, “This is wonderful news. It really demonstrates how working in partnership can lead to the best possible outcomes for learners. The work TPP and MSD have done in Greymouth is based on real dedication and commitment. They have made a significant difference for their community, local employers, learners, their whānau and for the local economy, an excellent achievement!”
The 13-week Training for Work programme is focused on getting MSD clients into jobs in the region. It is delivered in agreement with MSD, teaching skills that help people go through the interview process, what’s expected in the workplace and gain relevant qualifications to help students to achieve their goals.
TPP takes a strong learner-focused approach to the training, spending time with each person to talk through their specific needs, what they want to do in their career and how they can achieve their goals.
TPP Manager Teaching and Learning Annabell Dey says it is this proactive, student-focused approach that leads to great outcomes for people.
“We interview everyone who is referred before they start with TPP to discuss their skills and consider what their training needs to focus on. We also make the programme flexible, with a focus on getting them into work as soon as they are ready. TPP staff actively help the students to find employment and gain the skills and knowledge to help them on their journey.
“It really is all about the student. Our staff are very proactive: they ensure CVs are up to date and work with students to make sure all necessary qualifications for each job prospect (such as First Aid or driver licensing) are covered-off. Our tutors are active in the community and will, at times, go with the students to interviews or assist in cold-calling appropriate employers. Tutors complete pathway plans with the students that reflect their goals, whether it is employment or upskilling, that gives the student a path to continue on.
“It’s great to see the benefit of this student-focused training in our results. We know we can make a difference for our students and we’ll keep working with them to help them achieve their goals.”