Like the rest of the country, the Institute has been learning to work in very different ways.
Tēnā koutou
Like the rest of the country, the Institute has been learning to work in very different ways. Modern technology makes this all much more feasible and like most it has been a learning curve at times, but thankfully it’s been with good progress.
The NZIST Council met virtually for the second time this month this morning with significant discussion around the challenges that confront the country and how the NZIST network can work with others to assist the recovery phase when we all come out of lock down. Further time is being set aside to consider this as it’s clearly a priority for us all and for our country.
We’ve also had a meeting of all chief executives today where similar discussion took place and ideas and initiatives were shared around how to better support our learners and employers while still in lock down, and how to provide better access to education and training for those who might currently have challenges with any access.
It’s been an intense few days, as it has been for all staff across our NZIST network, with the focus going on providing alternative models of delivery. The national office continues to work through the Institute’s strategy and plan for the future and we are particularly focused on utilising the expertise and knowledge that exists across network to take us forward. Covid-19 has re-emphasised the need and the reform goals of pursuing new ways of learning that creates real value and real meaning for people, employers and the wider community. We remain committed to that.
Have a safe and enjoyable Easter. I know for many of us it will not be the Easter we originally planned, but I hope wherever you are in your bubble, you are well looked after and find time to take some time out, refresh yourself and enjoy space with your loved ones (staying in your bubble, of course, or virtually!)
Ka kite anō
Chris Collins
Interim Chief Executive