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Issue 13 | June 2023


Issue 13 | June 2023

June 22, 2023 | 12 min read

Kia ora e ngā hoa mahi o Te Pūkenga

One week into the Tāraia te anamata | Creating our futures consultation, I want to start by acknowledging that last week was challenging for many especially for those whose roles are significantly impacted by the proposal. Please remember, first and foremost that this is still a proposal and no roles are confirmed to be disestablished. Also, we're here to provide you with support during this time. I encourage you to talk with your local People, Culture and Wellbeing (PCW) leader or your manager and ensure you have access to the support you need.

I know that by now many of you have accessed and read the full Change Proposal. I understand that it's a lot of information to take in, and it has left many of you with questions. We are working through the questions and aim to give you more clarity on how you fit into the proposed structure and how the recruitment process will work once the proposed structure is confirmed. Please remember your local PCW representatives are available to assist with questions and you can also email Please do reach out whichever way is most comfortable for you (including through your union representatives) as we want you to have the information you need rather than be left wondering or receiving misinformation.

We are getting good commentary and feedback coming through What Say You. Your feedback will be used to regularly update our frequently asked questions (FAQs) so we can support you with timely and relevant information during this process. You can find the latest FAQs in this edition of Ngā Taipitopito and on What Say You.

Thank you to everyone who has made time to attend the overview and deep dive sessions with Gus, Andrew, Megan, Paora and Ziena. We are now kicking off visits to various campuses and offices across the motu (country). At these drop-in sessions, you’ll be able to learn more and ask pātai (questions) about the proposal. The schedule is now available on Te Whare and we will continue to update this page as more details (e.g. room locations and more venues) are confirmed. As with Kaimahi Kōrero, you are encouraged to attend any sessions that work best for you across any of the locations.

Thank you for continuing your commitment to our ākonga throughout this time. To hear that their learning continues as well as always is a real testament to the dedication and passion you have for vocational education – ngā mihi nui.

Kia Manawa nui, Manawa roa, Manawa ora


Peter Winder

Tumuaki | Chief Executive


Ngā kōrero hou
Our updates


Drop in sessions with ELT

Members of our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) will be travelling to campuses and offices around the motu (country) over the consultation period.

The purpose of these kanohi ki te kanohi (face-to-face) visits is to:

  • explain their respective organisation structures
  • engage with impacted kaimahi
  • answer any questions kaimahi may have.

We have added the schedule of events to Te Whare. You can find them on our consultation page: Tāraia te anamata | Creating our futures consultation, which is also the main tile on the homepage.

All sessions are open to all kaimahi. Please attend any session(s) that work best for you.


New frequently asked questions available

Included below are the latest frequently asked consultation questions. These questions and answers have also been added to What Say You.

I think I should be mapped to Digital/People, Culture and Wellbeing/Finance/Property but I received a letter telling me I’m in a different business group. What do I do?

Please email or speak with your local People, Culture and Wellbeing Team. We will respond to enquiries as soon as possible.

What do I do if I think I should go to Digital and instead I have been proposed to be disestablished?

If you believe that your role better aligns to our Digital Group, please speak with your People, Culture and Wellbeing Team. We are currently working with kaimahi that will be included in Phase 2 of changes for the Digital Group.

Of the new roles, what roles will be ring-fenced and to what tier and/or ring-fenced to region? Can fixed termers also apply? Can kaimahi who are not significantly impacted apply for a new role?

Some of the new roles will be identified as comparable to current roles, which will be confirmed in the final decisions. Only kaimahi identified as working in a comparable role (typically, the same function) will be eligible for selection or recruitment into those roles. We agree that temporary (fixed term) kaimahi and those on secondment can be included in the comparable selection. Other kaimahi outside of the comparable group cannot apply for these positions, even if they have been confirmed dis-established/redundant. If the comparable positions are not filled by kaimahi within this process, they will be released for open recruitment for other in scope kaimahi.

How long will the recruitment/selection process take?

We intend to start these processes as soon as possible following decisions, with the aim to complete as many as possible before year end.

Why is my proposal letter different to my colleague who is in a similar role?

Please speak with your People, Culture and Wellbeing Team about this.

If my role is proposed to be disestablished, what help can I get from Te Pūkenga in regard to developing my CV and/or job applications?

There will be a number of support tools available to kaimahi, including our Kete Kimi Kaimahi | Recruitment Kete which is available to you now. These will be shared at the time of decisions.

Once the final decision document has been published 

  • When will new roles be advertised?
  • Will there be a transition plan and what will that look like?
  • When will the changes to roles/teams be made?
  • When will appointments be made?

New roles will be advertised following determination. This may be completed in stages. We will start to work on transition plans as soon as the final structure is confirmed. Details on when new structures will be established and when appointments will be made will be included with the final decisions.

If I get a comparable change letter, will I need to apply for a role or will I automatically get redeployed?

You will need to go through a selection process. Depending on the selection process for your role, you may or may not need to express an interest in your preferred role(s). More information will be provided with final decisions.


What is the process we’re following?

consult process

Consultation > Feedback > Decisions communicated > Recruitment and selection

When designing a new organisation, or making changes to an existing organisation, there are a series of steps taken before we can start operating under our new structure.

The following sets out a high-level timeline of the consultation process we are taking.

Consultation: We have shared a proposed structure for the shape of Te Pūkenga and shared how this proposal may impact your role if it is confirmed. During consultation, you are welcome and encouraged to share your whakaaro (thoughts) on all aspects of the proposal, including:

  • structures and new roles (including proposed position descriptions)
  • the proposed impact to your role
  • the recruitment process and selection criteria.

You can share your feedback in What Say You or by emailing through to the close of consultation at 5pm, Friday 21 July.

Feedback: When consultation closes, all feedback will then be reviewed by the Deputy Chief Executives of each Group and the wider Executive Leadership Team. They will use your feedback to consider whether we proceed with some or all of the proposed changes.

Decisions communicated: When all feedback has been considered, we will then communicate final decisions with you. We intend to follow a similar process as the beginning of consultation where we notified significantly impacted kaimahi first.

Our aim is to share decisions with you in August 2023. We will provide an update on our schedule as we work through the feedback and consider the changes we need to make to our proposal.

Recruitment and selection: The selection and recruitment process will start after decisions have been communicated. We will work with kaimahi to support them into new roles and reduce the need for any redundancies. At this time, we will also start developing transition plans to support kaimahi with the move to the new structure.


Finding support during times of change 

Navigating periods of change can be challenging. It's important to remember that support is readily available. 

Where to find support: 

  • Your leader: your local leaders will be supported to provide you with information, advice, and guidance on the consultation process.  
  • People, Culture and Wellbeing (PCW): Reach out to your local PCW team, who are dedicated to helping kaimahi navigate periods of change. They can provide you with personalised support and answer any questions.  
  • If you’re a union member, your union representatives will also be available to provide support. Unions will be attending our briefings, so they will be connecting with us during the consultation period.  
  • External providers: You can access your local Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provider or Te Pūkenga National Office provider ( or phone 0508 664 981). EAP can offer you support with a range of challenges including:  
    • stress and pressure – personal or work 
    • depression and anxiety 
    • workplace issues and changes 
    • bullying and harassment  
    • anger and conflict issues 
    • relationship and family matters 
    • grief and loss 
    • life transition and personal development 
    • health and wellbeing 
    • career planning 
    • budgeting and money management or coaching 
    • personal legal advice. 


  • Taumauri: Our wellbeing platform Taumauri contains a wealth of information to support you with the challenges of change. 
  • Navigating change: This three-part module will help you identify your values and provide insight into why they matter, how they can help you navigate change and how to use them to strategically design your life. 
  • Here’s a selection of articles to help you navigate change, build resilience, and manage stress
  • Challenge of change: This collection of videos on Te Whare features Ihopūmanawa (talented and extraordinary people) sharing their stories of connection. Their stories remind us that we don’t journey through changes alone and can lean on others. 
  • Your career journey: This three-part video series encourages you to reflect on your personal values, your career and next steps. 
  • Fact sheets on Te Whare (under Resources)
    • ​Building resilience 
    • Looking after yourself 
    • Integrating body and mind in everyday life.

Remember, you don't have to face this time alone. Please take advantage of the support available and reach out.