Te Pae Māhutonga
Te Oranga
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Te Oranga — ka pā atu ngā tāngata takitahi me ngā whānau ki ngā taumata katoa o te pāpori
Ehara ko te tikanga anake o ‘Te Oranga’ ko te oraiti, engari me whai wāhi hoki ki ngā mea i te ao e tino ora rawa atu tātou – kia whai te toiora me te hauora, mātua nei ka taea ai e tātou te whai oranga, ā, e whai kiko ana, e whai tikanga ana tā tātou noho ki te ao.
“Community can be you and one other person. Create a community where you feel safe, seen, and heard. Once you have a loving support network, you can allow yourself to be vulnerable and authentic.”
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
He ara e tūhono ai ki tēnei whetū:
- Me whakanui te angitutanga o tō whānau – Ahakoa he mea nui, he mea iti rānei. Me whakanui tonu a ia kōkiritanga pai.
- Toro atu ki te tautoko ki te hiahia koe ki te āwhina ki te taha kai, ki ō rawa ako, ki ō utu o ia rā, ki tētahi atu mea rānei. Kei korā ngā ratonga tautoko e āwhina atu ki a koe kia eke atu ai ki te taumata ikeike mōu ake, mō tō whānau hoki.
- Me matapaki ki tō whānau mō ngā take whai tikanga, ā, ki āu tamariki-mokopuna, ki ō hāmua, ki ō tatao anō hoki. Ko tēhea te mahi, te momo mahi e wawatatia ana e koe? He aha kē ō waihotanga ki tēnei ao?
- Me tautoko tētahi o ō hoa takiwā, tō hapori, tētahi rōpū, tētahi kaupapa mata kikoha rānei ōu. Ka piki te ora ina ka āwhina atu ki tētahi atu. Ka pēnei i te tū hei māngai mō tētahi e tino hiahiatia ana, te piri atu ki te pae whānau o te Kōhanga Reo o tō tamaiti, te tū hei tūao rānei ki tētahi tima hākinakina.

“Reach out to others. If you're disabled, accessing the right support makes a big difference in setting yourself up for your future so you don't feel left behind.”
Bachelor of Social Practice
Explore each whetū of Te Pae Māhutonga
Mauri ora | cultural identity
Waiora | physical environment
Toiora | healthy lifestyles
Te Oranga | participation in society
Ngā Manukura | leadership
Te Mana Whakahaere | autonomy
Knowing where Te Pae Māhutonga is, tells us where we are. We can learn and work best when these different areas of our oranga (health) are supported. Some of them may be stronger than others at different times – you may need awhi, guidance or simply time to explore different aspects of Te Pae Māhutonga throughout your journey and at different times of your life.