Kia ora koutou
We have released Te Rito – Insights from learners and staff: opportunities to enhance success for all Te Pūkenga learners and Māori learners, the first of a series of reports, which looks at how we can better enable learner success – particularly for Māori learners. They make up nearly a quarter of all learners in our subsidiary network so we need to understand how we can better enable success for them, as defined by them.
Subsequent reports will focus on Pacific and disabled learners and a final report will identify future priorities based on current activities, which we will be sharing with you over the coming months.
We also recently released a stocktake of how we hear Learner Voices across the network. I was privileged to sit in on the last day of the Learner Centred Network Forum two-day hui held to discuss what best practice looks like from the learner’s perspective. The range of ideas that was shared by the group was inspiring, and we look forward to some of these being shared further across the network.
We are about to conclude our Kōtui Kōrero series, where the leadership team has spent the last month travelling across the motu and connecting with network staff and learners to talk about our work to date, outline upcoming activity and discuss opportunities to get involved. We will be releasing a video version of this presentation shortly.
The Kōtui Kōrero series has provided an opportunity for our people to engage with a series of service concepts, which are central to the thinking and design of our future operating model. We’re continuing to seek your feedback on these concepts – you can find more detail, and share your thoughts, here.
This week we head across the motu with an update series for employers and industry. The team will head to seven locations, beginning in Whangarei and finishing with a couple of online presentations in the last week of the month. Our team is really interested to hear more about the challenges which employers face, and the opportunities which exist to support them and our learners.
These are a few highlights from the mahi the team is working on – there is plenty happening every single week. We’re pleased to keep updating on the progress we’re making as we continue to focus on transforming vocational education in Aotearoa.
Nāku iti nei, nā.
Ngā mihi
Stephen Town
Chief Executive