Each month Poari Akoranga – the Academic Board at Te Pūkenga meet. You can read the minutes of these meetings online to keep up to date with progress.
Dr Angela Beaton, DCE Delivery and Academic is now fully engaged in planning for the design of qualification and regulatory frameworks at Te Pūkenga – this is about making sure our delivery and quality approaches meet the needs of our learners, industries, employers and communities. She is eager to share this work with academic staff more widely. "Planning for the work ahead is a major undertaking, and there are exciting opportunities for us to start working together as a network in the academic and delivery space.
"Right now, we are working on confirming the Poari Akoranga Terms of Reference and the underpinning academic regulations for Te Pūkenga – this is about making sure our academic governance approaches are fit for purpose. Ensuring the quality and integrity of what we deliver and enabling learner success with a focus on equity of outcomes are central functions of Poari Akoranga. We will finalise and share our Terms of Reference in January 2021," says Angela.
To achieve Te Tiriti o Waitangi excellence in all areas, we are applying Te Pae Tawhiti Tiriti Excellence Framework. We have also aligned with key transition pathway workstreams, including the development of the new operating model for Te Pūkenga. A high-level road map to support innovation in academic development and delivery has been developed and we will share this work plan and seek feedback from subsidiaries and transitional ITOs. We will also be calling for expressions of interest from staff who are interested in joining Poari Akoranga, national subcommittees of Poari Akoranga and specific discipline working groups too.
Working from this base, between now and the end of 2022, there will be a focus on five initial workstreams within the Delivery and Academic portfolio:
- Quality – Design and implement qualification and regulatory frameworks to support the transformation of our delivery
- Delivery – Commence sensible and staged network delivery with a focus on quality and innovative delivery models.
- International – Reset the internationalisation strategy across the Te Pūkenga network.
- Product development – Enable innovative product design that incorporates mātauranga Māori, new delivery models and practices to meet the changing needs of learners and employers.
- Research and Rangahau Māori – Strengthen research and rangahau Māori and foster collaboration across the network to build capacity and capability and showcase areas of strength.
In 2021, we will be working with people from right across the network to progress this mahi. Their expertise is highly valued and is crucial for driving academic innovation for the benefit of learners, employers, industry and communities.
There is much mahi to be done, and collaboration is key.
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.
By working together, we can all flourish.