Te Pūkenga preparing to offer unified Nursing and Social Work degree programmes
June 9, 2022 | 3 min read
Over the last year kaimahi (staff) from across Te Pūkenga network have been involved in redesigning our nursing and social work degree programmes as we prepare to offer ākonga (learners) a unified set of degree programmes from 2023.
Nursing and social work programmes are taught across the motu by hundreds of kaimahi, supporting thousands of ākonga as they journey with us to become nurses and social workers.
Providing unified programmes means we can offer a coherent portfolio of programmes that responds to the needs of learners and employers. This also begins to take us towards addressing some of the inequities that exist for underserved learners.
The process of unifying our nursing and social work degree programmes has involved ongoing input from kaimahi, ākonga, employers, professional organisations, workforce and hapori. An important step in this process is to consult on the degree programmes. From here they will be confirmed and presented to NZQA and regulatory bodies for approval.
Programme consultation for nursing and social work is being undertaken in June. Details for the proposed degree programme detail are being made available here. Kaimahi and industry organisations are welcome to provide feedback until Wednesday 29 June.
Dr Angela Beaton, Academic and Delivery DCE explains, “The work that has been done to transform the nursing and social work programmes has focussed on ensuring we are putting ākonga at the centre. We have a unique opportunity to shape and strengthen the workforce of tomorrow and to bring increased equity of access and outcomes to nursing and social work education. Te Tiriti o Waitangi is a central component of these new programmes, which provides a clear foundation for culturally grounded practice in Aotearoa.”
“I want to acknowledge the tremendous work that has been done, involving many from across the network, to get us to this point. The introduction of the unified programmes for nursing and social work is an exciting and significant step. As we bring together our nursing and social work kaimahi across the motu, opportunities for greater collaboration and sharing of resources and best practice will be enhanced.”
The unified nursing and social work programmes will be available from 2023, subject to approval and accreditation. Newly enrolled ākonga will commence Year 1 of the unified programme in 2023 and the unified programmes will be introduced year by year. Te Pūkenga looks forward to welcoming ākonga when they join us in 2023.