Kia Manawaroa
Getting Through the Tough Stuff

You can get through the tough stuff
Find tips and information about some of the most common pressures felt by ākonga.
How you’re feeling in your mind and body affects all parts of your life – how you are with friends and whānau, how you work and how you study. Looking after your wellbeing helps strengthen your mental health so you have the skills, tools and energy to handle any ups and downs that might come your way.
In this section, you’ll find tips and information about some of the most common pressures ākonga (learners) told us they were facing after enrolment. We hope this reassures you that you’re not going through these struggles alone – and if what you’re looking for isn’t here, it’s not because it isn’t important or common. We had to pick topics to make a start, but there are many more that could be added.
However hard any of us try to prepare for these challenges, they’re difficult for all of us. Just do your best and reach out for help when you need it.
Ki te kotahi te kākaho ka whati, ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati – When we stand alone we are vulnerable but together we are unbreakable.