Meg: Really be curious and investigate what's on offer and what you would really like out of not only your study experience but out of this opportunity to really grow and become who you want to be.
Joe: Do what makes you happy, even if it's outside your craft or outside of your creativity. Bella: Find your strength, what you’re good at, and try not to compare yourself to other people.
Joe: Everybody's here to help you, so never be afraid to ask somebody else.
Phil: Save the parties ‘til after all your work's done.
Tereeza: Utilise a calendar.
Melissa: Every time I sit down at my desk, I can see when my exams are due.
Victoria: You can't do it in leaps and bounds, so yeah – day by day.
Thea: It's okay to mess up. Just keep going.
Carmina: Don't aim for perfection. Aim for your best as long as you've given it all that you could that's really what counts.
Matt: Really hone in into why you're doing what you're doing. If that ‘why’ is solid, then it'll flow naturally and you'll love it.